"Deception of The Enemy"

"Deception of The Enemy"

Sep 20, 2024

The Enemy's Deception

The enemy, often thought of as the Devil, seeks to trick Believers in various ways. His primary power lies in the lies he tells us.

What do i mean by this is; "those thoughts that pop into your mind and you don't know where it came from." They either came from the flesh or the negative forces at work in the unseen realm.


Once people have the truth, they can equip themselves with the necessary tools needed, in order to wage war against these forces. The only way he can exert control is if we choose to believe these deceptions.

If you're struggling with negative thoughts, remember: First; don't listen to them and say out loud, "I Rebuke You In The Name Of Jesus" say this over and over until the thoughts subside.

You must have faith or they will be just words and you will see no change.

God can heal your mind?, Yes He Can!.

I encourage you to ask for help. Message us “Open my eyes” in the comment box as an act of faith. This serves as a prayer for wisdom and strength to see the truth of our situation. When faced with OCD intrusive thoughts or persistent negativity, it's vital to recognize that God hears your prayers.

Negative Forces

Remember, all negativity that comes from the Devil is rooted in lies and darkness. He constructs his attacks like a house built of shadows. However, when we shine the light of the Holy Spirit on these shadows, they vanish! Light and darkness cannot coexist; where there is light, darkness must flee.

In our lives, we must invite the Holy Spirit’s light in. If you believe in God, the Holy Spirit dwells within you, empowering you. You are connected to Christ, who is all-powerful. Yet, sometimes we fail to recognize this power in our daily lives. By focusing on our spiritual lives—through prayer and Bible study

we can keep negative thoughts at bay.

One of the enemy’s greatest tricks is to tempt and accuse us. Temptation draws us toward wrongdoing, while accusation fills us with guilt. Together, these tactics can be formidable. When struggling with how to stop thinking negative thoughts, remember that God’s forgiveness is available to you. You can seek His help to break free from the cycle of guilt and shame.

The Devil aims to weaken our faith because if he succeeds, we become less capable of fulfilling God’s purpose for us. Consider the story of elephants: as babies, they are tied to a post with a weak rope. Even as they grow stronger, they believe they cannot break free. Many people are like this—they don’t realize how strong they truly are and because of the Holy Spirit, God can do anything!!

Can God heal anything? Yes! Recognizing your own strength through faith is crucial.

We should not give the Devil undue power. Instead,
we must remember that the Holy Spirit equips us with the strength to choose what is right.
In times of challenge,

it’s easy to panic and feel alone, but God can heal your mind!

When the Devil whispers, "This sin isn't a big deal,"

do not believe him. Stay strong in your faith and remember the truth! The reality of secret sin can compound the effects of negative thinking. It’s easy to dismiss these as minor, but they significantly impact your life, joy, peace, and even those around you.

Understanding You

To truly overcome, we must delve deeper into the root causes of these habits. Tackling only surface issues is insufficient;

  • we must confront the underlying beliefs and deceptions that fuel them.

  • You must take the time to examine yourself and your past, identify where your feelings stem from.

  • Once you have done this, you can make the correction.

  • If someone else is involved and they do not deserve forgiveness, you must still initiate it. Either write a letter or call. Tell them that you forgive them and then allow your heart to let it go.

  • Because if not, you will allow the enemy to continue to rob you of your "Happiness and Joy"

  • Once this is complete, then and only then will you begin to heal.

Will God hear my prayers? Absolutely!

He is attentive to our cries for help.

Don't Fall 4 Any Of His Lies

By identifying and renouncing these lies, we can achieve genuine transformation and live in the freedom God intended for us.

Embracing responsibility for our freedom is essential. The power to choose is yours alone.

Understanding the strategies of temptation and accusation can help you navigate your thoughts. The enemy employs both as tactics against us. While Satan may tempt us to sin, it’s vital to remember that he doesn’t force us into it.

Can God heal your mind? Yes, He can.

Living in freedom from guilt and shame is possible.

Instead of embracing guilt from past mistakes, recognize that God’s forgiveness frees us to move forward.

The Cross

Jesus took that heaviness away at the cross.

Don't let the combination of temptation and accusation dictate your life.

Stand firm my friends because in truth, there is always freedom.

For it is the truth that sets us free;
This is why you will always see me say,

Seek Truth and Speak Truth, for these two truths will always set you free!!